All Cool Day Trips in NJ in Basking Ridge

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A Wide Scope Of Options!

If you can't decide where you want to go, don't worry. Even Basking Ridge, NJ has options for adventurous or easygoing spirits. Scope out our collection of attractions in the region for families, individuals, kids, or large groups of friends. Make an informed and inclusive decision when planning your next daytime trip Basking Ridge, NJ. And don't forget to check the weather forecast!

Dine at the beautiful and renowned Grain House!

The on-site Grain House Restaurant, located a few steps from The Olde Mill Inn, has been named one of the "12 Prettiest Restaurants in New Jersey". It features historic charm, American fare, and a cozy environment with 12 beers on tap plus a focus on fresh and locally-sourced food. 

The Olde Mill Inn

  908-221-1100 | Somerset County

Basking Ridge, New Jersey

Group Outings

The Olde Mill Inn offers cozy comfort and old world charm. Hotel guests receive a complimentary continental breakfast in the Conservatory, plus a 24-hour Fitness Center, and many other amenities. There also many area attractions including golf courses, tennis courts, horseback riding, and mor... Read More

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Dine at the beautiful and renowned Grain House!

The on-site Grain House Restaurant, located a few steps from The Olde Mill Inn, has been named one of the "12 Prettiest Restaurants in New Jersey". It features historic charm, American fare, and a cozy environment with 12 beers on tap plus a focus on fresh and locally-sourced food. 

The Olde Mill Inn

 908-221-1100 | Somerset County

Group Outings

Basking Ridge, New Jersey

The Olde Mill Inn offers cozy comfort and old world charm. Hotel guests receive a complimentary continental breakfast in the Conservatory, plus a 24-hour Fitness Center, and many other amenities. There also many area attractions including golf courses, tennis courts, horseback riding, and mor... Read More

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Romance At Its Best

Take your special someone along with you for the next getaway. Couples day trips in NJ give love birds the opportunity to spend quality time together in a new and enchanting environment. See all the different locations and attractions to flock to for reigniting the romance.

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Business Hours : 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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